Shipping Method

Shipping MethodShip ToEstimated Delivery TimeShipping Cost
PostNL Ireland 13-18 business days EUR €0.99
GLS / DHL Ireland (If in stock in Local warehouse) 3-5 business days EUR €0.99
Hermes United Kingdom (If in stock in Local warehouse,only 3-4 days) 15-20 business days EUR €1.59
PostNL / GLS / DHL Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland (If in stock in Local warehouse,only 3-6 days) 15-25 business days EUR €3.59 Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Israel, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Monaco, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden 20-30 business days EUR €5.59

When will my order be shipped?

In most cases, the order will be processed and shipped within 24 hours. This does not include weekends or holidays. You will receive an email notification once your order ships. And you can also get shipping information of your order on "Order Tracking".

Can I change the shipping address?

  • 1If you want to change the delivery address, contact our customer service online well in advance.
  • 2If the order is not shipped from our warehouse, the customer service team will help you change the address information in the operating system.
  • 3If your order has been sent, we must receive confirmation from the transport company whether we can change the address and may charge an extra fee.
  • 4To avoid unnecessary shipping problems, fill in the correct address details for your order.

What do I do if my package shows delivered but I never got it?

  • 1Confirm the shipping address provided at checkout by reviewing the order details on "Order Tracking" page.
  • 2Check around the delivery location.(Look around the entrances of your residence for the package or notice of attempted delivery)
  • 3Check if someone else accepted delivery.(See if a neighbor or other resident received the package.)

Occasionally, packages are not delivered in the expected timeframe and are unable to be located by the tracking information (if available), please contact "Customer Support"



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